Inspiring ideas, forging solutions

depuis 1911

Nous offrons plus que des produits

Chez Alcorta Forging Group, nous offrons plus que des produits de forge; nous proposonsdes solutions personnalisées pour chaque client grâce á la combinaison de notresavoir-faire et du bon usage de l'ensemble des ressources dont nous disponsons.

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Actualité Alcorta Forging Group


Different projects carried out co-financed by the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2027 (ERDF).

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IZB 2024

From October 22 to 24, we have been at the IZB fair in Wolfsburg (Hall 6 & Stand 6201).

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CastForge 2024

It has been three very intense days in which we have been able to meet and introduce Alcorta to many people.

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Supplier Day

Last June 14th, our teammate Vanessa Stöhr was at the Supplier Day of Schaeffler (Bühl, Germany).

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Arizmendiarrieta award 2023

We were at the celebration of the Arizmendiarrieta Sariak Gipuzkoa 2023 Award Ceremony.

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